Can You Bring Kratom On A Cruise? Here’s How!

Peter Galanko Peter Galanko
May 7, 2024
Can You Bring Kratom On A Cruise

Embarking on a cruise offers an exceptional opportunity to unwind and explore new horizons. For those who rely on herbal supplements like kratom for their well-being, traveling with these substances can bring a set of challenges. This guide aims to navigate the often murky waters surrounding the transportation of kratom onto a cruise ship. We’ll cover everything from the legality of bringing kratom on board to practical tips for a hassle-free journey with your supplements. The most important part of cruising with kratom is ensuring kratom is legal where you embark and disembark, it can be easy to get kratom onto a ship even against a cruise line’s policy, however the risk is not worth it if kratom is illegal where you embark and disembark.

7 Things To Understand Before Bringing Kratom On A Cruise

    Kratom, a herbal substance gaining traction for its unique properties, is still under scrutiny in many regions, making its status on cruise ships somewhat ambiguous. Policies regarding its carriage can vary significantly between cruise lines, reflecting the broader legal landscape that ranges from outright bans to more relaxed attitudes depending on the jurisdiction. Most cruise lines make policies based off of laws for all countries the line visits, not just the ports you visit during your trip, which may mean the cruise line has strict policies even regarding benign substances. It’s uncommon cruise lines may prohibit not just kratom but also common CBD supplements as well. While many people assume just because it’s legal most places that it’d be allowed on cruise ships, however, if you read the cruise line’s entire policy – there’s a good chance kratom is prohibited on your cruise line.

    If you’re contemplating bringing kratom with you on your next sea adventure, here’s what you need to consider: the legality of kratom in your departure port, destination, and any stops in between; the specific cruise line’s policy on herbal supplements; and how best to pack and manage your kratom to ensure a smooth sailing experience. Read on to ensure that you stay informed and prepared, making your cruise both enjoyable and compliant with regulations. While we do not advise breaking the law if you are visiting countries where kratom is illegal, if kratom is legal in where you embark and disembark, you can still bring kratom on a ship if you do it discreetly. Let’s dive into the details!

    Step 1: Check Regional Kratom Laws Of The Places On Your Itinerary

    Before deciding if you’re going to bring kratom or not, determining if kratom is legal at the port you embark and the port you disembark(if different from the port you embark from) from where your baggage is searched. If it’s not legal where you are most likely to be searched, it is not a good choice to even attempt it regardless of ship policy. While getting your kratom confiscated or being banned from a cruise line would be bad, getting arrested is far worse especially if in another country.

    It’s also a good idea to check the laws at the ports your cruise stops in. Though even if legal in these destinations, you should just keep your kratom on a ship to avoid any issues getting on and off the ship. While unlikely to be a problem, especially since drug sniffing dogs are not trained to detect kratom and most people do not know what it is, as we’ll discuss more – cruise ship policies may be stricter than expected.

    Another important factor you need to consider is what states or countries you are flying to if a flight is part of the cruise package. Generally, kratom is allowed by airlines and can be taken through security without a need to hide it – unless kratom is illegal in the places you are traveling in(including connecting flights). Generally speaking it is very unlikely TSA or an airline would notice or care in a state where kratom is illegal – as kratom is often ignored even where it is illegal – it is not worth taking kratom on a flight if any places on the route have a kratom ban. Currently, only Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin have kratom bans(though, most are in the process or reforming their draconian laws, and should be legal states once again in the future). Fortunately for cruisers, most of these are not states with popular cruise ports, so it’s unlikely they’re on your itinerary.

    Step 2: Find Out You Ships “Flag” / What Country The Ship Is Registered In

    Without going into detail about maritime law, from a legal standpoint the country in which the ship you’re cruising on is as important as the laws of the locations you visit on your cruise when determining whether to bring kratom. The laws in the country the ship is registered in are primarily the laws followed on a cruise ship at sea. Most cruise ships are not registered in countries like United States or Britain, the cruise lines typically pick small countries with laws favorable to their business in regards to taxes and labor laws. Check the ship registration country before you cruise, if the registration country allows kratom, that’s a good sign that bringing kratom won’t be a hassle(though, it is not the only factor that counts). Some common cruise ship registration countries include Liberia, Bahamas, and Cyprus. Out of these three examples, kratom is illegal in one, and that one is Cyprus(and yes, kratom is fully legal in Bahamas if that is where you’re going). If your cruise ship is registered in Cyprus, it is a bad idea to attempt to bring kratom at all regardless of the destinations of the itenary. Because kratom is considered an illegal drug in Cyprus, there is a higher risk the cruise line would impose harsher for penalties on bringing kratom onto a ship including potentially a life time ban (rather than a simple warning and confiscation).

    If kratom is legal in all of the countries on the trip itenary AND it is legal in country the cruise ship is registered in – awesome – bringing kratom on your cruise shouldn’t be a problem! Right?? Well, not so fast. Just because it is not illegal does not mean it’s a prohibited substance on the ship. We will go over cruise line policies and explain how you can get your kratom on board without an issue. Though, the most important part is first determining the legality for your specific cruise, including countries you may travel through on flights before and after boarding the ship.

    Royal Caribbean Kratom Policy

    Step 3: Understanding Cruise Ship Kratom Policies

    In this section we will look at the prohibited item policies for cruise ships like Royal Caribbean and Carnival cruises. We will also discuss why kratom may be prohibited even if not explicitly mentioned by name on these policy sections. When planning to bring kratom on a cruise, understanding the specific cruise line policies is crucial. Though not specifically mentioned as a prohibited item like CBD products, kratom occupies a gray area that requires careful consideration due to varying interpretations by cruise lines.

    Cruise Line Stance on Similar Substances

    Most cruise lines, including major operators like Royal Caribbean and Carnival, do not explicitly list kratom as a prohibited item. However, they do categorically ban all CBD products despite their legality in all 50 U.S. states. This action suggests a conservative approach towards substances that are legal but potentially controversial. The policies towards CBD serve as a useful reference point; kratom, while not a CBD product, could similarly be misunderstood or categorized under general prohibitions.

    Legal Status and Cruise Policy Consistency

    Cruise lines often adopt broad policies that apply to all their journeys, irrespective of the specific legal nuances of each destination. This is mainly for simplicity and to maintain consistent standards across their operations. Hence, even if kratom is legal in the ship’s registration country and all itinerary stops, a cruise line might still enforce a blanket ban if they offer other trips where kratom is illegal.

    Potential Risks and Recommendations

    Given that kratom is not typically listed as a prohibited substance, passengers might not be aware that carrying it could pose a risk. If identified during luggage checks, kratom may be confiscated, but as long as it’s legal in the relevant jurisdictions, significant disciplinary actions like denial of boarding are less likely. However, the discretion often lies with the cruise staff, and their interpretation can lead to varied outcomes.

    To minimize any potential issues, it is advisable to:

    • Pack kratom discreetly: Use non-descript, unlabelled containers for kratom, especially if you choose to bring capsules. This reduces the likelihood of drawing attention during security screenings. Containers for other herbal supplements like valerian root is a good option
    • Check legality: Always verify the legal status of kratom not only at your departure port but also at all intended destinations and any countries the ship may pass through.
    • Avoid public consumption: Be discreet about your usage on board to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts with other passengers or crew.
    • Consult beforehand: You could contact the cruise line directly to inquire about their specific policy regarding kratom. This can provide clarity and potentially prevent any issues before they arise. Though, they likely will say no. You should do this if you want to make completely sure beforehand and not take any risks, however we do not advise that you do not this and rather just bring your kratom in a discreet way. While taking kratom without explicit permission poses a slight risk if it is discovered, it’s so easy to conceal that’s there’s really is no realistic practical reason to not just conceal it and not worry about the policy.

    Navigating the policies of cruise ships regarding substances like kratom requires a proactive approach. By understanding the overarching trends in cruise line regulations and planning accordingly, passengers can enjoy their journey without unnecessary complications.

    Royal Caribbean Kratom Policy

    Royal Caribbean’s policies do not explicitly mention kratom, which can create some ambiguity for passengers wishing to bring this substance on board. Like many other major cruise lines, Royal Caribbean explicitly prohibits CBD products on their ships, despite their legality in many jurisdictions, including all 50 U.S. states. This strict stance on CBD could suggest a similar approach to other substances like kratom, which, although legal in many places, may still be viewed with caution or categorized alongside other, more regulated substances.

    The absence of specific mention of kratom in Royal Caribbean’s policies doesn’t guarantee safe passage for passengers carrying it. The cruise line’s policy on illegal substances is comprehensive, generally prohibiting “illegal drugs and substances.” Even if kratom is legal in the country of the ship’s registration and the destinations on the itinerary, Royal Caribbean may still exercise caution and treat it as they would any substance with potential legal implications. This is often due to the need for consistency across all cruises, some of which may visit or originate from countries where kratom is not legal.

    For passengers considering bringing kratom on a Royal Caribbean cruise, discretion and preparation are key. It is advisable to carry kratom in non-descript, unlabeled containers and avoid public consumption to prevent drawing attention. Additionally, passengers should verify the legality of kratom in all the ports. You could call and consult with customer service or the boarding team regarding any potential issues with bringing kratom aboard, though only do so if you’re willing to not bring kratom in the case they say no. While direct inquiries with the cruise line might not always yield a clear response regarding kratom, they can occasionally provide guidance or an official stance, helping passengers avoid any unpleasant surprises during their journey. Though it’s probably a better idea to not alert them to the fact that you are bringing kratom, and just bring it in an empty container used for other herbal supplements.

    Carnival Cruise Kratom Policy

    Carnival Cruise Kratom Policy
    Carnival Cruise Kratom Policy

    Carnival Cruises does not list kratom as a prohibited item in their cruise policy. Carnival’s policy however does list CBD products and Kava products as illegal. Does that mean you can take kratom on a carnival cruise? Consider the fact kava is somewhat similar to kratom and they went out of their way to denote kava as a prohibited item. This is interesting, considering that kava is legal nearly everywhere in the world. This may indicate they would not be accepting of kratom on the ship if they were asked about kratom specifically.

    Also, even if kratom is legal in every country on the itinerary of your Carnival cruise, they may offer cruises to other destinations outside of the scope of your cruise where kratom is illegal – and thus they may categorize “kratom” as a substance that falls under “illegal drugs” and thus a prohibited item.

    It is not advised that you ask Carnival before your cruise or when you are boarding whether you may have kratom. This would likely result in a “no”. It would be better take kratom capsules with you, but put them in a container labeled as a different supplement, and not tell staff that you brought them. That would be extremely unlikely to cause any problems. More likely than not kratom in kratom packaging would be ignored if noticed during a search – however it’s probably a better ideal to bring it in a more discreet way as long as you are not breaking the law.

    Countries Where Kratom Is Illegal

    When preparing for a cruise, it’s essential to be mindful of the legal status of substances like kratom in any of the destinations you plan to visit. Below, you’ll find a list of countries where kratom is illegal, providing crucial information for travelers who might not be aware of these restrictions. Even if your cruise does not specifically target these countries as primary destinations, transiting through airports or docking briefly in these nations could expose you to legal risks if you are carrying kratom.

    If you are traveling through any of the countries listed below, leave your kratom at home and do not bring it even if well concealed. In most places kratom is illegal, the laws are rarely strictly enforced and it’d likely go unnoticed. However, it is never worth taking that risk, simply do not bring kratom if traveling to any of these countries:

    • Argentina
    • Australia
    • Belarus
    • Bulgaria (except for a doctor’s prescription)
    • Croatia
    • Denmark
    • Estonia
    • Finland
    • France
    • Germany
    • Ireland
    • Israel
    • Japan
    • Latvia
    • Lithuania
    • Myanmar
    • Malaysia
    • New Zealand (except for a doctor’s prescription)
    • Poland
    • Romania
    • Russia
    • Singapore
    • South Korea
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
    • Thailand
    • Vietnam

    Setting Sail with Confidence

    Embarking on a cruise with kratom involves a complex navigation of both legal and cruise line policies. While this guide has provided insights into how to manage the carriage of kratom onboard, it’s essential to remember that the ultimate goal is to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable cruise experience. Before you set sail, ensure that you have thoroughly checked the legal status of kratom in your departure and arrival ports, as well as any countries your cruise may visit or pass through. Be proactive in packing kratom discreetly and understand that while it may not be explicitly banned by cruise lines, its similarity to other restricted substances could lead to confusion or issues if discovered.

    Play It Safe: Know Before You Go

    The nuances of traveling with kratom on a cruise are highlighted by varying international laws and cruise ship policies. Although many cruise lines do not specifically mention kratom as a prohibited item, the conservative approach taken towards other legal but controversial substances like CBD suggests a need for caution. To ensure a smooth journey, always verify the regulations of each country involved in your cruise itinerary and consider the ship’s flag state laws as they can influence what is permissible onboard. Preparation and discretion are your best tools to prevent any potential complications.

    Wrapping Up: Ensuring a Hassle-Free Cruise

    In conclusion, while it may be possible to bring kratom along on your cruise under certain conditions, doing so requires careful planning and consideration. Weighing the legal landscape and understanding cruise line policies will help you make informed decisions about whether to include kratom in your travel plans. Remember, the security and enjoyment of your trip are paramount. By adhering to both the spirit and the letter of the law, and by employing a thoughtful approach to how you pack and carry kratom, you can focus on the more enjoyable aspects of your cruise. Safe travels, and may your journey be as tranquil as the seas you sail.

    Peter Galanko
    Author Peter Galanko

    Guiding you through the world of Kratom is Peter Galanko, a knowledgeable enthusiast with extensive experience in herbal supplements and holistic wellness. Peter’s expertise brings you unbiased, in-depth evaluations of vendors, strains, and consumption methods, ensuring you make informed choices in your Kratom journey.